SDG is a Hungarian community, originally founded in 1921 as Soli Deo Gloria - Allaince of Reformed Students. After the end to Soviet Communist dictatorship in 1994 it was restored as Soli Deo Gloria Reformed Student Movement. Our mission is youth ministry, mainly in the Hungarian Reformed Church’s schools.

Our Mission
God so loved the world that he came close to us in Jesus Christ. This (God’s love) encourages us to join his mission and live in harmony with our brothers and sisters as a true, sincere, hospitable community where God can transform us into his image by his grace and through his salvation.
SDG promises

Our activities
1. ForLife - School groups 
The self-organising small communities at schools provide the opportunity to meet regularly, to grow together and talk about the Word.
- Workshop: the training and mentoring program for the school group leaders twice a year. (Connection with 10-15 schools)
- School mission days: Visiting schools and catching up with students and teachers personally. (Yearly 6-8 mission trips or retreat days to reach a few thousand students)
2. Reunions - national community
We organise reunions to strengthen and build connections between school groups.
- Advent retreat - Opportunity to slow down in silence and deepen in faith (about 60-80 people)
- Spring reunion - Opportunity to catch up with other generations of the national community with a wide range of programs, sessions and workshops. (about 80-90 people)
- Compass - SDG Pilgrimage (summer camp) - A challenging physical and spiritual journey. (about 30-40 people)
3. Bible study competition 
Competition for groups of three, an adventure game to get to know a book of the Bible. (usually 30-40 teams, i.e. 90-120 students)
4. Active participation in ecclesiastical youth events:
Starpoint (Christian youth festival), Meeting of the Reformed Secondary Schools of the Carpathian Basin, Synod Youth Forum, Prayer Night of the Carpathian Basin
5. SDG House (a plan)
We wish to live and visualize the mission and spirit of SDG in a residential community where dedicated members pray, work and host guests together. This plan is being developed.

The vision of the House
The purpose of the Community House project is to live out the mission of SDG Student Movement in a purposeful community. Members would commit to share their lives, to work and serve together for a period of time, trusting the transforming work of the Holy Spirit. Our hope is that the time spent in this community would strengthen its members’ identity in Christ and would equip them for the journey of discipleship and the building of the Kingdom of God. It is essential that the community would not be isolated, but would have a living relationship with its neighborhood and offer hospitality to those entering its gates. We feel God’s call in the establishment of this Community House and we pray that it would bring glory to him by
Being a place of:
- encounter with God and His people
- Prayer and Peace
- Work and Service
- Renewal, Restoration, and Refreshment
- Living in harmony with creation
- Physical and spiritual healing
- Offering hope and purpose to its members
- Strengthening the Church, our nation and culture
- work towards ecumenical conversation and reconciliation of denominations and ethnic differences

Please do pray for our community, our work and future plans.
If you wish to follow our journey with the house project sign up to our monthly newsletter in English.
We need financial support to continue our work. We believe this is also in God's hands and He can give us what we need financially as well. We would really appreciate it if you could support us financially.
At the moment we need around £ 1500 per month for the accomodation and payment of Nusi and Viktor - they are a married couple working on preparation of the house project.
Donations are welcome to the SDG Foundation account.
Soli Deo Gloria Református Diákmozgalom Alapítvány
(or short: SDG Ref Diakmozgalom Alapitvany)
Street: Kálvin tér 8.
City: Budapest
Postcode: 1091
IBAN: HU21117140062034044900000000
Bank: OTP Budapesti r., XIV. Nagy L. kir.
Address: Nagy Lajos király útja 19-21.
City: Budapest